Hi, I'm Léo

A student in Game programming

I'm 5th-year game programming student at Bordeaux Ynov Campus, located in the city of Bordeaux in south-west France. I'm passionate about video game development, especially in virtual reality. I like object languages like C# and C++, and I develop games on Unity3D and Unreal Engine 5 as a hobby.

About me

Who I Am

I am Léo Séry, I discovered computer science very young and I quickly knew that it was the field towards which I wanted to go. The development sector caught my attention during my childhood. A family environment and more particularly uncles working in the field of video games have allowed me for several years to consolidate my choice of orientation. It is obvious that I continue my studies in the development's ground.


Some of my skills

What I Can Do






Plastic SCM


Visual Studio


Unreal Engine





